Treatment & Prevention




If the kidney damage is in the early stages, it can be controlled with medication and diet. However, there is no recovery from End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). There are two (2) ways to treat ESRD: 



1. Kidney Transplant


Kidney transplant is the process where a kidney is surgically removed from a donor and implanted into the patient. The patient may receive a kidney from a family member, a spouse or a close friend. They are known as living-related donors.


The most compatible match is usually a sibling, as their genetic make-up may closely match. In addition, the patient can also receive a kidney from a recently deceased person, known as a cadaveric donor. Transplant is by far the best means of treatment, as the ¡°replacement kidney¡± can substitute almost fully the lost functions of the failed kidneys, and allow the patient to lead a normal life.



2. Dialysis


The word ¡®dialysis¡¯ means filtering, or the selective removal of certain substances from the blood. The idea is that, if by artificial means, we can remove enough of the poisonous wastes, water and salts that have built up due to kidney failure, then a reasonable level of health can be restored.



There are two (2) forms of dialysis;


2.1 Peritoneal Dialysis


Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is an alternative treatment to Haemodialysis. A special sterile fluid is introduced into the abdomen through a permanent tube that is placed in the peritoneal cavity. The fluid circulates through abdomen to draw impurities from surrounding blood vessels in the peritoneum, which is then drained from the body.


2.2 Haemodialysis


Haemodialysis is a way of cleansing the blood of toxins, extra salts and fluids through a dialysis machine. It helps maintain proper chemical balance such as potassium, sodium and chloride and keeps blood pressure under control.





How does it work?


During dialysis, two needles will be inserted into the vascular access, one to remove the blood and the other to return cleansed blood to the body. The patient is connected (via tubing) to the dialysis machine through a vein in the arm, the blood is pumped from the body to a special filter called the dialyzer, which is made of tiny capillaries.


Blood is continuously pumped through the dialyzer, where waste products and excess water are removed. The blood becomes purified when the waste products diffuse from the blood across the membrane of these tiny capillaries. This purified blood is then returned to the patient¡¯s body through larger tubes.


Haemodialysis is performed 3 times a week, with each session lasting about 4 hours, depending on the body size and medical condition. At SKF, patients can choose between 2 sessions i.e. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.






There are several easy ways to reduce the risk of developing kidney disease. Some small changes in behavior can have enormous health benefits.


Eight (8) Golden Rules to reduce the risks are:

1. Keep fit and active.

2. Keep regular control of your blood sugar level.

3. Monitor your blood pressure.

4. Eat healthy and keep your weight in check.

5. Stay hydrated.

6. Do not smoke.

7. Do not take over-the-counter pills on a regular basis.

8. Get your kidney function tested if you have one or more of the ¡°high risk¡± factors.